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    Exploring Different Types of Mueller Braces and Supports for the Knees

    Knee pain is becoming more common among Americans according to the latest reports from the medical sector. An estimated 33 percent of people experience some type of pain that affects their knee joints, up from 25 percent just a few years ago. This type of pain is a leading cause of mobility issues, missed time from work, and a decreased quality of life. Mueller braces and supports can help alleviate knee pain and reduced mobility. Choosing the right type of brace for your situation is crucial.


    Knee Sleeves


    Knee sleeves are the most basic types of braces on the market. They're made of stretchy, flexible materials and simply slide over the knee. Their elasticity makes them simple to put on and holds them in place. These types of braces can easily fit under clothing. They're generally recommended for mild to moderate pain, arthritis, and swelling.


    Wraparound Knee Braces


    Next on the list are wraparound knee braces and supports. They're a bit more complex than sleeves and designed to help with moderate knee pain. These types of braces are held in place by straps that wrap around the knee. While they provide compression, they work differently than sleeves. They can help stabilize the knee joint and prevent further injury. Though they're helpful for different types of injuries and conditions, some styles of wraparound braces are often used for patellar tendonitis.


    Unloader Braces


    As the name indicates, unloader braces help take some of the weight and pressure off of an injured knee. This goes a long way toward alleviating pain and reducing the risk of further damage to the joint. These braces help provide extra stability as well. They're typically recommended for osteoarthritis and can be used for meniscal injuries among other conditions.


    Hinged Knee Braces


    Hinged braces are among the most complex options available to patients. They feature hinges to allow the knee joint to bend. At the same time, they provide support and stability for injured joints to keep them properly aligned and prevent them from moving more than necessary. These braces are often recommended after knee surgeries though they're appropriate for other situations as well.


    Keeping Your Knee Joints Healthy


    Several conditions and injuries can affect the knee joints. Each one causes pain and diminished mobility among other problems. Numerous treatments are available to deal with those injuries and conditions to alleviate pain and improve your quality of life. Braces and supports are some of the most common treatment solutions. Various types are available to address the full range of knee joint problems.